Saturday, April 26, 2008

The World Is Round.....

that no matter how far i had moved on,
that far i had travel,
meeting up with new people,
with full of laughter and excitement,
i'm back to this same point
missing you almost every single day =(

I don't mind writing this to show you,
but I do cherish the days we were together,
every time, every minute,
because i miss you
and i'm still missing you
even now..

I'm not sure how well are you doing now,
and i do hope you're fine...
Perhaps or perhaps not u will be like me,
back to this point walking in the same big circle,
just like the ring which doesn't has an end point.

but how long will it take you
to walk this distance in the ring?

1 year?5 years?10?or maybe 15?
nobody knows...

Since it's a never ending circle,
I shall be here, waiting for you......

as.......I...truly miss you..

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